Saturday, November 8, 2008

Monsters Are due on MY Street

People Destroy Themselves
This is a play I wrote, it is not very good, but you can see where it can lead.
((It is rather long and when not in microsoft it doesnt make it as good to read because it only goes down in one row and not two, but I thought I would post it))

[Camera is over a small city, in the dark, and you can see all the lights. It zooms up on a specific area, and you see a small road with no cars and just the nice sound of some music. It suddenly turns to the mountain and the moon goes down, and the sun comes up. It goes back to the small street, Lilac. There are children playing in the street, giggling and laughing. You see parents up on decks, talking to one another, and others holding hands with their kids walking them up the nice street.]
Debby: Mariah, come to the backyard! Invite your friends if you like and tell them to bring your swim suits!(Mariah is 6)
Mariah: YAY!
Ally: I’ll go ask my mom right now!
Hunter: Ask If I can come too!
Bella: Me three!
[Ally runs inside and tells her big sister, Kelsey, the news.]
Kelsey: Oh YAY! (Sarcastic voice)
Ally: Kelsey it’d be fun!
Kelsey: Can’t you see I’m busy? Hello, I told you not to talk to me when I’m busy. (As they talk Kelsey is texting)
Ally: You’re not busy! All you’re doing is texting! Come on!!!!! PLEASE? (She pulls Kelsey’s hand away and tries to drag her.)
Kelsey: LET GO! You’re going to break my nail!!!!
Ally: (She suddenly got an idea) Kelsey! You could work on your tan……
(She said trying to get her to come)
Kelsey: I do like a good tan…… (she smiled)
Ally: Will you come?
Kelsey: Fine, fine, fine. Let me go get my swimsuit.
[The camera follows Ally to tell the news to the other kids.]
Bella: YAY!!!!!
Ally: You need to be careful!
Bella: I’m four! I’m old enough!
Hunter: I’m big enough too!
Ally: Even though you’re six, that doesn’t mean you can’t drown. It’s a 4½ft pool!
[The camera zooms up on Kelsey, stepping out of the house with a big blown up floatie, drink, and cell phone.]
Kelsey: I’m READY!!!!
Ally: Yay!
Bella: Kelsey your swim suit, shows your belly. You’re not supposed to show your belly!
Kelsey: Be quiet!
Hunter: Kelsey, your boyfriend must be cute.
Kelsey: Didn’t you want me to come swimming with you?
Kelsey: Shut up and lets go swimming.
Ally: Fine (thinking how she could use the info she just had)
Kelsey: (Puts floatie in, puts the soda in the cup hole, and steps up.) This will be nice.
[Camera scans the neighborhood and focuses up onto a couple next to Debby’s House]
Josh: Come on, hurry up Kate, we’ll miss the flight!
Kate: The plane leaves in five hours though!!!
Josh: You know the traffic is bad!!!!!
Kate: Listen, let’s wait an hour ok?
Josh: Come on!!!!
Kate: No.
Josh: Fine.
[Camera scans the neighborhood and focuses up on a family of three, The father is working on fixing a light, the mother working in the garden and a little girl around three playing in their yard.]
Ashlynn: Mommy, look at what I can do! (She turns and kicks a soccer ball two feet)
Carrie: Oh, how wonderful!!!!! John Dear, look!
John: In a sec., I’m trying to fix this. (He’s trying to insert the light bulb correctly)
Carrie: Fine.
Kenny: SUGAR GET BACK HERE! (yelling)
[Camera follows a dog apparently called sugar, and running away from his old man and old woman owners]
Pam: SUGAR! (pauses) Kenny, why did we ever accept to keep that dog at our house? Labradors are a lot of work!
Kenny: I really don’t know.
[Camera zooms back and sees that Pam’s house was right next to Kenny’s, and see’s the parents of the 4 kids that went swimming walked out]
David: Where are the kids Elaina?
Elaina: They went swimming, they’re fine.
David: UGH.
Elaina: The football game is on!
David: Ok,ok,ok…….
[Camera goes to the kids in the pool]
Kelsey: Swimming is so fun! (She was perfectly dry)
Ally: What’s so fun about texting and not even getting wet?
Kelsey: Shut up.
Hunter: Watch how long I can hold my breath!
Kelsey: (after hunter pops up after five seconds) Wow that’s really something (pauses) NOT.
Bella: Be nice!
[Mariah walks into the pool]
Mariah: I love your swimsuit Kelsey!
Kelsey: That makes two of us.
Mariah: Anyone want a snack?
Kelsey: I wouldn’t mind a low-fat snack!
Mariah: Ok!
Kelsey: Thanks! (and then she goes back to texting)
[Mariah walks into her house and gets crackers and cheese, Sprite Cans, and walks outside.]
Mariah: Here they are!
[She sets them out]
Kelsey: Could you possibly hand me some?
Mariah: Sure. (she gives her some)
Bella: Wow, you’re so weird Kelsey!
[Camera zooms out and focuses on the family of three]
Ashlynn: Mommy, can I go swimming like the big girls?
Carrie: No Hunny, but you can help mommy with the garden!
Ashlynn: Ok Mommy.
John: This light is really hard to get to work, I’ve been working on it for 3hrs!
Carrie: I hope you can fix it.
[Camera watches Carrie garden, Ashlynn helping, and John fix the light bulb, then goes down a house to the four kids house, David and Elaina’s house]
David: Hunny, do you think they’re all right?
Elaina: But……..
David: Stop worrying! Ok? They’re fine. Ok? Let them do their thing!
[Camera moves one house over to Pam’s and Kenny’s house]
Kenny: Where’s dat dog?!
Pam: She knows where she lives, so she’ll probably come back.
Kenny: But what if she doesn’t?
Pam: Stop worrying.
Kenny: But…………
Pam: I saw her head over to Debby’s house. Maybe we can wait for them to catch her.
Kenny: Fine in a lil’ bit then.
Pam: Why not now?
Kenny: Because my show is on.
Pam: Ugh
[Camera goes to Debby’s but goes one to the left to the couple’s house]
Josh: We’ve waited long enough, can we go now?
Kate: We’re only 10 minutes away and the plane takes off in 4and a half hours! We’re fine. Chill. Let’s go ask Debby if she could watch our house when we’re away.
Josh: Why? We’ll only be gone for two weeks.
Kate: A lot of things can happen in two week Josh.
Josh: True, true.
Kate: Let’s go talk to her then.
[The camera goes to Carrie’s and John’s house]
Ashlynn: Mommy look how far I can kick the ball!
Carrie: In a second.
John: I GOT IT TO WORK!!!!!
Carrie: Good job hunny! (Applauds)
Ashlynn: Look mommy! (Kicks ball to Debby’s) Mommy: look how far!
[The driveway is downhill so the ball rolled into Mariah’s back yard]
Hunter: Look at me I’m a fish!
Bella: No you’re not! I am, see?
Hunter: Nuh-uh!
Ally: Both of you guys are little fishes!
Hunter: NO SHE IS NOT! (he splashed Ally)
Ally: (splashes him)
Bella: (splashes both of them and some got on Kelsey)
Kelsey: Do you guys have a PROBLEM?
Ally: Ya, you.
Kelsey: Don’t use the comebacks that I use, that is just proves you're too lazy to think of your own. But back to the point, you got me WET!
Hunter: Hahaha
Bella: (Giggles)
[David and Elaina walk over to Debby’s, so do Kate, Josh, Carrie,
John: Ashlynn chasing her ball, Kenny, and Pam]
David: Kelsey?! Hunter?! Ally?! BELLA?!
Ally: What dad? We’re swimming right now!
[Kelsey jumps off the floatie and out the pool to hide]
Elaina: Kelsey ya there?
Kelsey: Yup, I’m here!!!!
David: What did you get on your math test?
Kelsey: 91%
David: Come give me a hug!!!!!!
Kelsey: Dad, I’m, erm, SOPPING WET!
Dad: Still you stayed up all night studying!
[Kelsey had only been texting]
Kelsey: Nah, dad, let me get dressed, and dry, then how about that hug?
David: Come on!
Kelsey: Dad……
David: Kelsey Come.
Kelsey: Why?
David: Why are you acting so strange?
Kelsey: I’m not!!!
Kelsey: Fine.
[She stepped up and he saw her swimsuit. The family of three walks in following Ashlynn. The couple, comes to talk to Debby. They knock on the door, and then you see the old couple trying to find their dog.]
Josh: (Knock Knock)
Kate: Debby?
[Debby opens the door]
Kate: Hi we’ll be gone for a while and we were wondering if you could watch our house for us?
{In the background you can hear the T.V]
Debby: Sure, sure! (She sees the others) Hi all of you come in come in!
(All): Ok.
David: (In the Back Ground) You are SO GROUNDED MISSY!
[Lights flicker, and go off, and everything is dark]
Elaina: Um, wasn’t it clear skies today?
David: I think so.
Debby: (Pulls cell phone out) I’ll call them……….
My Cell phone’s dead, I just charged it!!!!!
John: (Suddenly thinking) My light bulb! (Runs over, pull string, and it doesn’t turn on) I worked forever on that!!!!!
Kelsey: (Still texting, and checked phone) MY CELL PHONE IS DEAD TOO!
Kate: That’s kind of weird, when the power goes out, cell phones and such don’t turn off like that!
Kenny: Hmm, in all my days, nothin’ ain’t ever happened like dat’ before!
Pam: That’s very odd.
Kenny: I’ll just go check the next street, to see if der’ power is off.
{Kenny walks into his backyard through the gate}
Kate: Hm.., It just isn’t right.
Josh: I know, It’s just so weird.
John: Josh you’re leaving right?
Josh: Ya, me and Kate are leaving, why?
John: Your car just started.
John: That’s weird.
Carrie: (Which had gone back to her house to check on her dinner cam e back saying) John, I went to check on dinner, and the stove just stopped! It’ just stopped!
John: That’s ok, and anyways John, why has you car started?
Josh: I don’t know! It just started!
John: Something is weird here.
Hunter: Daddy Kenny shouldn’t have left. They don’t want us to leave.
David: What are you talking about?
Hunter: They don’t want us to leave, they told me. Last night, ion my dream, these masked people came and told me when a crisis happened tomorrow, don’t leave.
Elaina: Hunny, It was just a dream, dear, it’s fine everyone, just a little boys dream.
Hunter: Mom, it isn’t just a stupid dream. We need to stay here.
David: Why would you even consider that?
[In the dark a figure is emerging and a sound clank clank clank]
Josh: Back up everyone! (Pulls out a big huge brick, and throws it at the figure)
[Thud. And grunt. Everyone walks over to the form]
Pam: Oh my gosh!
(murmuring amongst themselves)
David: Look what you did!!!!!
Josh: You guys, you all know that I didn’t mean to! He still might be alive! Let’s call an ambulance…..
David: That’s the thing, we can’t.
Hunter: Oh no (softly)
John: Hunny, let’s go home. (They start heading home)
David: What’s wrong Hunter? ( He heard him say oh no)
Hunter: This is exactly like my dream.
David: Lik…..
[Thing flows overhead, making a loud noise, and in the sky words written are:]
David: It says: STAY HERE.
Hunter: This is exactly like my dream.
David: What’d happen?
Hunter: They said that if we all didn’t stay here, all that we know would fall.
David: Hmm, ok.
Debby and Mariah: (Deep into the conversation) And Kenny left.
Hunter: Kenny left.
[Footsteps can be heard emerging out of the darkness, David Picks up a brick and throws it]
(A grunt and a thud can be heard)
David: I Didn't mean to.. You guys know I didn't......
Josh: You murdered him!

[Screen fades to black, and act two is getting ready to play]

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