Saturday, August 28, 2010


oooh. -heartflutter-

James Roday is my dream man!!! (:

Psych is the best thing ever inventeddddddd~!
Wow. Has it really been since--March of 2009 since I have been here?

That shows my sure dedication, :p

My first week of high school has been completed!

Schweet. (:

It should get nothing but better.

Personal Note: Change the picture from 6th grade, haha.

peace, love, save the whales.

Friday, March 6, 2009


Here's my tomcat!

Name | Bluefur

Gender | Tom

Age |24 moons

Rank | Warrior

Clan |Meadow

Parents | Loners (NP)

Siblings | Boulder (Stolen NP)

Other Kin | None.

Mate | Open

Crush | Open

Kits |None.


He might be one of the closest cats to Starclan, set aside the Medicine Cats and Leaders. He thought he might enjoy being Med. Cat, but when he asked his ancestor's, it felt as if they told him he had a different destiny. He was a true believer. He talked, and asked for help all the time from them. When he hunts, he prays where to hunt, and even where to bury his kill.


Bluefur does not have an apprentice, and he does not one. He thinks that it would slow him down in his progress, and in hunting. He also knows if his leader asked him, he would say yes. If his leader was desperate enough to ask him, he would have to say yes.


Bluefur is very, very handsome. He has a full, glossy coat. It is a bluish-gray color, also known as Russian-blue. He does not blend in with his surrounding as well as he should, he stand out among all the dirt and plants.

He has longer legs than some of the other cats, and a longer tail. Thos qualitites result in hunting better, and with balance. He has more muscles in his hind legs than anywhere else.

His eyes, are beautiful. They are bigger than most cats, and they are very green. They have a bluish tint in them, which results in something remarkable. His eyes look like the color of the moon, big, round, and full.


Bluefur is very loyal, his clan always comes first. No exceptions. He can be very serious at the right time, and can be very snappy when arguing. He is a very easy going cat, and likes to have fun if at the right time. He is very protective, and very intelligent. He likes to think of Starclan at times of war, and what their will is. The one thing he does not enjoy is fighting, knowing that his brother was killed by just a bunch of cats that wanted his food. He does not enjoy hurting another cat, but if threatening him, or his clan, he will fight to the death.


Bluefur is one of the best hunters in the whole clan. His legs are quite a bit longer than others in his clan, which helps with his jumping for birds, and other rodents. He dislike digging for prey, which leaves him blunt-clawed. He does not have trouble with catching mice and such, so he usually does not have to dig, which results in razor-sharp claws.

Bluefur had dreams when he was not in the clan. He had dreams of cats walking in the stars, and from then on, he felt stronger. More secure. He has a great belief in Starclan, which helps him going in times of crisis.

He has brains. He is very smart, in everything he does. From hunting to listening to Starclan. He tries to link everything he does to hunting, because that is the one thing he enjoys the most, and it helps his clan.


Bluefur was born in the busy part of the kittypet place. He was born with a brother named Boulder, he looked just the same as Blue. He was known as Strike, for his ability to kill the rats that came by them. They were living there life to the fullest, until one day twolegs saw them sleeping outside there house in a box. We were both awaken with a shake, and they had dried to put us in a box with bars. Strike slipped out, missing the box, just barely. His brother was captured in the box, and tried desperately to get out. Strike tried attacking the twoleg, but it didn't help. They tried to catch him, but her ran, steering clear of them. His brother was taken away from him forever, away in a monster. He then went to the forest, hoping to stay away from all twolegs, and other creatures. He hoped something would happen, and he suddenly got dreams from strange cats. They told him that a group of cats would come to the forest, and would ask him to join them. He decided to say yes, and here he was, in a Clan.


Here's one of my warriors, her biography, then her small intro.


Name Icestorm
Age 24 moons
Rank Warrior
Clan Meadow
Parents Two Loners, Izzy and Percy (NP, deceased)
Siblings None.
Other Kin None.
Icestorm has strong beliefs in her warrior ancestors. She often pleads to them for help in times off trouble. She first had been getting dreams when she was a loner. She believes her destiny, her clans future, and everything around her is somewhat related to Starclan.
Icestorm does not have an apprentice. She is still quite a young warrior, not experienced as others. She would be very strict, and not go goofing off with her apprentice.*
Icestorm is a very pretty cat. Her pelt is the color of a bright snowy color, with big spots of light gray covering her body. If she were to look into a still pond, you would see a spot of gray over her unusually bright blue eyes, and her long whiskers. Her leg's are about normal for her size, and they are very muscular, which helps her majorly in hunting. Her tail is a slight longer than usual, helping her with climbing, and pouncing. Her facial features are pretty, and unscarred. She does not enjoy digging for burrows, as others in her clan enjoy. That results in having thorn-sharp claws, instead of the usual blunt-clawed.
Her name sums up her personality. She can be as cold as ice, and as forceful, fierce, and as strong as a storm. She does not trust many cats opinions. She listens to Starclan, and who Starclan can and does communicate with.She can be hard to understand. She does not like surrendering to anything. From a simple quarrel with a clan member, to a clan war. She does love, she wishes to be with someone, to trust, someone to care for, someone to live for. She still mourns her first companion, but she tries hard to do it. She became strict after that incident, but if she can find a companion like Rocky (look in history), she would be able to show off how friendly she really is.
Icestorm is an excellent fighter, hunter, and is very loyal. Fighting comes natural to her. She thinks of her past, and the death that has happened in her life. When hunting, she concentrates very hard. She listens to the soft footsteps of her prey, a slight shudder of feathers, the tiny heartbeat of it. Her legs are very muscular, which helps with catching any type of prey she wants, except for fish. Her loyalty is the strongest thing about her. She can not stand traitors, or seeing one of her denmates hurt.
Icestorm was once a loner, hunting for herself, and caring only for herself. She had many strange dreams, about cats that walked the sky. The told her that she would meet a great companion, and then there he showed up. She had learned of Starclan. She then met her first crush, Rocky. He was a kittypet, but turned his back on his kittpet owners. Rocky and her would hunt together, share many meals, and sleep through the cold nights together. They would fight many battls side by side over shelter, and most commonly food. They had to fight over there survival almost everyday.She was then known Icy, which also reflected her not stopping in on the kill. She did not feel for the person that tried to steal her place, and her hard worked for food. She had no mercy for them, one bite, and it was all over. Rocky was more brains than strength, which made them very compatible. Rocky and well, Icy had decided to go hunt farther than they normally did. They came to the kittypet place, and tried to cross the very busy thunderpath to catch some mice. Rocky went first, and was hit by a big monster. She was so stunned that her love had just been killed by a monster. She went back to the forest, mourning him. She stopped caring for herself, and then came upon some strange cats hoping to gather together as one. She decided to, knowing if she kept up this lifestyle she would drive herself crazy.

Suddenly a flash of gray raced past her. Icestorm stopped, still listening. It was hiding in the leaves less than two tail-lengths aways. Icestorm knew it was a mouse-- she could feel the rapid pulsing of the tiny heart deep within her ear fur. She swallowed, stifling her rumbling stomach.
Slowly she lowered her body into position. Crouching for the attack, she remembered she was downwind of
of the mouse. She knew it was not aware of her. With one final check of he prey's position, Icestorm pushed back hard on her haunches and sprang, kicking up leaves on the forest floor as she rose.

The mouse dived for cover, heading towards a hole in the ground. But Icestorm was already on top of it. She scooped it into the air, hooking the helpless creature in her thorn-sharp claws, flinging it up in a high arc onto the leaf-covered ground. The mouse landed dazed, but alive. It tried to run, but she snatched it up again. She tossed the mouse once more, this time a little farther away.
She pounced for the final time, and the tiny heartbeats faded.

Thursday, February 12, 2009

Well, I am crushing on Jerred Leto with my friends right now, :)
Look up 'The Kill' on youtube, and see how hot he is!
Love Ya!

Thursday, November 27, 2008


Right now it is thanksgiving. I am at Grandma myers and Sadie is bugging me about warriors,... so see ya. I might lecture you on a lesson of thanksgiving later, bye!

Wednesday, November 19, 2008


Breathtaking. The one word to describe the place my hert yearn to be _______ (Any guesses?!?!?!) Post a comment